This week we have started to think about our School Vision:
‘Inspiring a lifelong love of learning.’
We have thought about what this means to us and why the words have been chosen. A lot of children thought about the lifelong skills we learn at Longnor to be great citizens and look after our world. We also thought about the range of subjects that we have in school and how teachers take time to plan inspiring learning opportunities for all the subjects. Some thought about how we make learning fun and enjoyable.
Staff (teachers and support staff) have also been thinking about the theology that sits behind our school vision. A while a go the office asked whether any parents would be interested in discussing the school vision further and the theology that supports our decisions. We are now in a position to have a working group to discuss this. Please contact the office and let us know if you are able to join us and whether you are available the week commencing the 13th November 2023.