Bags2School Fundraiser – returns in a revised format for Autumn!
Please start collecting your unwanted clothing and textiles to help raise valuable funds. For those of you new to school please see the links at the bottom of this section for more details about the scheme and acceptable items.
This year, due to Covid-19, we’re having to arrange the collection of your bags slightly differently. We usually distribute Bags2School polythene bags for you to place your items in but this year, any bag will be accepted – bin bags, carrier bags etc. If you don’t have a bag, there are some Bags2School bags in school – if you contact the office they may be able to send one home with your child.
In order to avoid unnecessary risk to the school, School Circle will set up a collection point in Longnor Village Hall carpark at drop off and pick up times on Wednesday 23rd September. Please make sure bags are handed to a person and not left in the car park or at the hall.
Drop off time – 8.40am – 9.00am Weds 23rd September
Pick up time – 3.00pm – 3.45pm Weds 23rd September
If you have bags to donate but will struggle to make those times, please get in touch with Kat Beedles (School Circle – 07881 817787) and a member of School Circle may be able to collect.
This is a great fundraiser for school and helps divert items from landfill too so please support us if you can. Don’t forget that you can ask friends, family, grandparents and neighbours to collect items for you too – the more the merrier!
See below for a full list of acceptable items and the Bags2School weblink for more information about the scheme,