All about me – biscuit self-portraits

“That’s my school uniform, the blue bit”.

Map Work – Locating England and finding out where our animals live.

We’ve heard back from the police!

We wrote questions for the police officers at Shrewsbury and they’ve replied with a personalised video to answer them. We’ve learnt so much from each department and we’re very grateful.

Special Places – Religious Education

We’ve been exploring special places and looking at a variety of places of worship. We also went on a Bible hunt and shared some stories from the Bible. Little Owls were great at asking questions and sharing their views. They then went on to draw and label their own churches and colour stained glass windows.


Little Owls have been busy baking buns. They took it in turns to weigh the ingredients, mix them together and put the mixture in the cases. They waited patiently for them to cook and enjoyed sharing them with Tawny Owls.

Look at what Little Owls have made!

Roll up roll up!
Little Owls are nearly ready for the Frost Fayre tomorrow! Look at all the things we have ready so far!
Thank you so much for all of your donations to make this possible.
Hopefully we will see you tomorrow between 6 and 8 in the school hall.


Maths – Digging Deeper

This morning we hid some counting bears in a bag and the children had to feel how many bears were in the bag. We asked questions about 1 more and 1 less and used our fingers to show how many.