After half term

After half term, we will be moving onto our next topic, celebrations!

The attached sheet shows the key statements we will be covering. We will be building on the highlighted statements from last half term too.

I am sending the children home with an autumn treasures envelope to collect things over half term to bring into school when we return.

Development Matters Statements Ages and Stages second half Autumn 2022 Reception

After half term

After half term, the Preschool children will be moving onto their next topic, ‘Special Times and Places’.

We will be talking about places that are special to them and celebrations they have a t home. If you have any photos that you could share as an observation on Tapestry, we would love to see them and talk about them in school.

They will ask be coming home with a ‘Autumn Treasures’ envelope, to see if they can find any autumnal things to bring back into school to look at. If you havent got one, dont worry, just bring in anything you find that your would like to share.

Please see the attached key statements that we are covering this next half term. We will still be building on the yellow highlighted statements from last half term too.

Link journals

This week, your child has come home with a link journal in their book bag. Have a look inside at for ideas of how to use it.
If there are any things I think it may help for you to work on at home, I’ll put them in there and also put a observation on here for you to see.

Have fun!

Tiny, happy people resource for grandparents

Shropshire Early Years Team have made us aware of a new resource that may be of interest to you.[TinyHappyPeople~N~~Newsletter_October1_Grandparents]-[MobileText]-[Newsletter_October1_Grandparents]-[THP2020]&dm_i=3YNL,1HPJK,5TQZY9,5HSFL,1 

Have a look around their site as they have lots of activities and ideas for Tiny Happy People.

Book bags

This week the children will be coming home with a school book bag, which will have a book in to share with you at home. They can change the books as often as they want.
Happy story telling.

Wordless picture books

Today your child will come home with a lilac book to share with you at home. These books are the beginning of their reading journey. They have no words but use pictures to encourage discussion and storytelling. In the back of their reading record is a lilac sheet for you to record their reading. We will change these books once a week.

Have a look at the information pages given in your child’s reading record to give you tips on getting the most out of these books.