We love reading in Class 2 and to continue to promote reading for pleasure, we are starting a new reading initiative.
Over the next few weeks, a different child will be bringing home “The Mystery Book” each night which will be inside a very special, golden folder. They will share the book at home with their family and return it to school the next day. It must remain in the golden folder at all times in school because the aim is to keep the title of the book a secret from those who have not yet read it.
Inside the folder, there will also be an exercise book for you or your child to write any comments about the book. You could tell us whether or not you enjoyed it and why, where you read it, who read it or which book you’d like to receive next.
The first “Mystery Book” has gone home with a child today and it will be going home with someone else tomorrow. The children are so excited and I am so pleased that it has already created a buzz around reading.
Thank you.
Mrs Jones