Firstly, I think it is helpful for you to know that in an average school day, the children in class 4 would normally do about an hour and half of Maths and at least an hour and a half of English. This would include both writing and reading. The afternoon is spent largely on topic work, art, DT and sport. In order to support you at home, I have complied a pack of activities for the children to work on at home. We have talked through the list in class, so the children have an understanding of my expectations.
Here is a list of activities for you to do at home. If you come up with other ideas, I’d love to see them!
- Read the History of Chocolate timeline. Using the facts on this sheet (along with other things we have discussed), write an explanation about the history of chocolate. Use all the appropriate features of this text type. You will need headings, subheading, statistics, technical vocabulary and mostly formal language. You could then produce a simplified version for a younger child to find out where this wonderful stuff came from!
- Look on for ideas.
- Draw a comic strip to show the reactions of people when they first tasted chocolate.
- Write a chocolate based recipe – you could even create a recipe book- using all the features of instructional writing.
- Design and make a 3D package for a chocolate bar. Remember to include the ingredients, weight, nutritional information and a barcode to make it realistic.
- Design a special Easter treat that involves chocolate.
- Research facts about chocolate – what is the biggest chocolate bar ever made? What is the most expensive chocolate ever sold? Etc
- Find out what happened to the great Maya civilisation.
- Make a holiday brochure, persuading people to visit the famous sites in Mexico and Guatemala.
- Make a model of a Maya temple or city.
- Draw a map of your local area, using symbols, a scale and a key. Use google earth to help you.
- Draw a map of a place in the world you would love to visit. Explain about the physical (natural) geography and the human (man-made) geography of the region.
- Write a letter to a character in your favourite book.
- Write a letter to your favourite author. Find out how to contact them and email / send the letter. You might get a reply.
- Write a letter to me telling me about how you are keeping yourself busy and what kind things you are doing for your family.
- Do a piece of art work that could be an illustration for a favourite moment in a story.
- Make a short animation based on your favourite book/film/game.
- Make a film trailer.
- Design a new game. Include instructions.
- Write a letter or draw a picture to post through the door of any elderly neighbours. It’s important to let them know we are here.
All children in Year 6 have also been sent home with a SATs pack. They have several practice papers to work through. There are more papers available on line and the marks scheme are also freely available.
Go to for these. I have shown the children how I use this website so they should be able to access what they need. You do not have to print papers out, simply download them and they can write their answers on paper. We have covered all elements in class but if your child is stuck, there are brilliant explanations available on YouTube and also on where you can find PowerPoints to explain everything on the curriculum. Simply type into to the search bar the topic and the year group, eg. fractions year 6.
They also have their CGP books to complete. Several of these books have the answers in the back. If your child is stuck on a question, it is helpful to look at the answer and try to work backwards.
The children all have access to Spelling shed which is a great resource. Twinkl is another brilliant website that is making access free. If you go to the home page and type in the year group or subject, you will find lots of brilliant activities that are free to download. Also Hamilton Trust is now making resources free and BBC Schools has lots to choose from.
During this very challenging time, we are seeing real acts of kindness and generosity as people pull together to help each other. For the children, it is important to keep busy and try to keep going with school work. This will maintain a level of normality that we all really need right now.