Class 2 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

Most children in Class 2 have now completed their homework books which is fantastic. Well done!

We will be sending home a variety of tasks/activities for them to complete from now on. If your child has not completed their homework book, please ensure that they complete two pages per week. These will continue to be handed in each Friday.

Over the Easter Holidays we would like your child to design or make (or both) a sculpture from disposable water bottles to raise the awareness of the problem of plastic waste.

In it to win it

From plankton to pilot whales, algae to albatross – no ocean life remains free from the effects of plastic waste. 100,000 marine mammals and turtles and 1 million sea birds are killed by plastic pollution annually. It’s even found in the seafood we eat.

We believe that this is unacceptable – we are sure you do too. Help us raise awareness of the problem of plastic pollution and encourage people to change their habits. If 1/10 Brits used a reusable bottle once a week rather than a plastic disposable we would save around 340 million plastic bottles a year!

So, what can you do?

Design a sculpture made from disposable water bottles, we will choose a winning design which will be created by an installation artist as a full size sculpture to display in London during plastic free July.

You can paint, draw or event construct your design, but it should connect people to the issue, their actions and the oceans. Your design could say something about the problem of waste plastics, or the environmental impact, it could show a solution or highlight the statistics. The choice is yours!

Your child must bring their design or sculpture into school with them on the first day back after the holidays (Mon 29th April 2019).

In addition to this, please ensure that your child continues to read regularly, practises their times tables and spends time on Spelling Shed and Top Marks (Hit the Button).

Thank you for your continued support and Happy Easter.

Mrs Jones


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