Class 2

Dear Parents/Carers,

Due to the school closure, I will be communicating and setting homework tasks via the school website and Seesaw. If you are unsure about anything or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me during normal school hours via Seesaw.

Your child will have brought home a pack of activities and worksheets to guide and support their learning at home. The work that is included in these packs should give you a good idea of the things that they need to continue to work on during their time at home.

Included in the pack is a new exercise book for your child to write in. They can write whatever they like in this book as well as the written tasks I will set. They can draw and doodle too, it is theirs to keep.

Some examples of text types they might like to write are:

  • Diary entries (from their own or a character from a book’s perspective)
  • Setting descriptions (based on book settings/photographs or real-life places they’ve been)
  • Character descriptions
  • Fact Files (Antarctica is our next continent to research)
  • Recipes or instructions
  • Story (their own or a retell)
  • Book review
  • Poem

I will also be setting extra challenges and tasks via Seesaw on a regular basis.

For any support or examples of these text types, please look on Twinkl which is a fantastic website that is offering free access to all.


There is a maths pack included and you can continue to support your child’s mathematical development by supporting them with telling the time (Yr 2 – to the nearest 5 mins), practising measuring and reading scales when baking, using rulers and tape measures. We have been working on counting money and giving the correct change and I am sure that the children would love to set-up a shop and show you how great they are at this!

Don’t forget to continue to read with your children on a daily basis. There are many art and writing activities that can come from a good story.

There are free ebooks on which the children are familiar with.

We also have an Epic account so you can download the app or access on the internet and our class code is qnh8642. Children must first select student and then log in with the code. There have been some teething problems with Epic but I’m hoping it will work for most of you during school hours. also has some lovely resources and audiobooks.

Teach Your Monster to Read and Phonics Play are also free at the moment.

Alphablocks and Numberblocks episodes on YouTube are highly recommended and thoroughly enjoyed by the children in Class 2.

Assignments will continue to be set on Spelling Shed for your child to access.

For any Instagrammers amongst you, I recommend following Oliver Jeffers who is a fabulous children’s author. He is reading one of his books every night at the moment. Five Minute Mum is also great for sharing activities that are fun and offer great learning opportunities.

This is a great opportunity for baking, arts and crafts, instrument/singing practise and outdoor adventures (rural and open areas only of course).

Learning is so much more than completing worksheets so let’s see just how creative and innovative we can be!

Mrs Jones

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