Down by the cliffs, lives an old wrinkly granny called Edna, who has a wonderful granddaughter called Emily. Edna lives in a gloomy, brown, dingy bungalow all on her own. Although Edna lives on her own, she still manages to go to her local shop called Elder Shop; Elder Shop has scrumptious chocolate cookies. Every now and then, when Emily’s parents are going out, she stays the night at Edna’s bungalow in Cliffside. Not much goes on in Cliffside, apart from the odd bingo night, so Emily thinks of staying at Edna’s house a punishment for her foul answering back or her fake chicken soup sick.
One night Emily was staying at her granny’s house and she had just finished reading a book about the solar system – Emily loves reading especially books that are about space; her favourite planet is Pluto. She was looking for a new book to read when she saw one titled DO NOT TOUCH! So she just had to touch it. Emily pulled the book out; it took a lot of force. Finally, Emily pulled the book out, not knowing what she was about to whiteness…
Suddenly, Emily heard a rumbling sound. The room shook; a strange room was revealed with a rocket. Emily thought she was dreaming. She rubbed her eyes. She slapped her face! Nothing happened, Emily felt so happy, that her granny had a spaceship in her own house, nobody even has a spaceship in their house let alone a granny! Emily’s eyes were darting around the modern room thinking of ideas that she could use her grans spaceship for. The shocked girl looked everywhere at everything until she fell asleep inside the spaceship.
Edna slowly woke up and went to check Emily, she realised that Emily was not in her room- which could definitely do with makeover- so she shouted as loud as an elderly voice could shout: “Emily dearie, where are you?” there was no reply. She rushed around her cramped bungalow searching for her only grandchild but she was nowhere to be seen. Eventually, Edna reached the last room in her house; it was the storage room. Nervously, Edna opened the door hoping that Emily was inside…
Thankfully, Emily was inside. However, Emily was in the one place that Edna didn’t want her to be (the secret rocket room) Edna pulled Emily out and whispered to her, “we shall discuss this over cabbage soup.”
“Ok sorry gran.” Replied Emily shaking with fear. “I was just looking for a new book.” The two sat down and said few words until Edna mumbled, “Come on dearie eat your soup, it’s divine.” “I’m getting a bit full, you got anything else I could munch on?” questioned Emily eying up the biscuits.
“Yes love I have some bourbons in the cupboard.” Answered Edna. “Ok cheers gran.” Whispered Emily, who was already half way across the room!
When it was time for Emily to go to bed she asked Edna if she was allowed to go out in the rocket but Edna said no over and over again, until Edna got an alarm saying that one of her planets were in great danger; the menacing monkeys had escaped and were heading towards Uniland!
“Quick” screamed Edna as she hurried to the spaceship, “Those menacing monkeys are always up to no good, but they’ve gone too far now that they are messing with the unicorns.” “Wait gran, are we actually flying in a spaceship and are we actually saving unicorns from monkeys?” quizzed Emily.
“Yes dearie. Now hurry, get inside the rocket.”
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 lift off!!! It was beautiful. They flew at lightning speed; past the bright moon (which was dancing past the clouds) and into the stars that were glistening in the night sky. Finally, they reached unaland and just in time to fence it off before the menacing monkeys arrived.
“Phew!” bellowed Edna as she hopped into her rocket.
“Can we come here more often?” asked Emily as she pressed the return home button “If you are a good girl and eat all of your cabbage soup my darling, then yes we might be able to go.” Replied Edna.
Eventually they reached home; not long before Emily’s parents came to pick her up. She said nothing to her parents. She said nothing to her friends. She only spoke to her grandma because they were the only ones to witness it.