Finley Hughes writes to Chris Evans

Longnor Primary School

Frodesly Road




Wednesday 24th October

Chris Evans

BBC Radio 2




Dear Chris,

My name is Finley, and I am a year five pupil at Longnor School. I am writing to you about the palm oil issue. Green peace have sent out a video to try and help the world realise what we are doing to the rainforests; it is just not enough. Some believe that three hundred football fields of rain forest are cut down every hour. This is definitely not a laughing matter.

It would be very helpful to the world if you could mention this in your Radio Show because of your massive audience of over 80,000 a day and 9.43 million a week all over the world.

We cannot stop using palm oil because palm oil industries provide work for aver 4.5 million people in Indonesia and Malaysia. So this means it will be very hard to stop using palm oil completely. However, it would help if you could convince your listeners to use sustainable sources of palm oil. Would it be possible to speak to them?

Yours sincerely

Finley Hughes

Age 10






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