Good evening,
What a lovely Harvest Festival we’ve had in school. Thank you to all that managed to donate something for Church Stretton Foodbank: I know that they will all be very thankful for your gifts.
Thank you to our assembly leaders for standing and leading this afternoon’s service and for all children that shared their work.
Also, a huge thank you to those that came to our School Circle AGM. Without you, we would not have the fabulous events that you organise through the year and, of course, the donations that you make to school fund. This year this has paid for the new interactive whiteboard in the study and is used everyday for night owls and our Little Owls’ teaching and learning. For this, we are truly thankful.
Well done to merlin class for their achievements at the cross country on Thursday afternoon. Everyone did really well, especially those that finished in the top 10. We apologise for delay in buses at the end of the day. The organisers have expressed their apologies and for next week have brought forward the event so this doesn’t happen again.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs L. Edgerton