Good evening,
We have had a great week starting the lunch time clubs in school. Other than tag rugby (which was rained off) we had excellent attendance at the range of sessions on offer. From chess club to netball and to our new school band, we had a wide range of interesting activities around school at lunch time. There is still time for others to join in, so I’ve attached the link for the timetable here: Timetable autumn 2022
School council have had their first meeting this week and are excited to begin their planning with Mrs Bullock. Our school assembly leaders have also led their first assemblies this week: they were fantastic and led with confidence. The other committees have their first meetings next week:
- Eco-committee with Mr Wilson on Wednesday
- SOUL team on Tuesday
- Librarians on Thursday
- Sports ambassadors on Tuesday
We’ve had a few children receive their hot chocolates for our ‘Starbooks’ reading challenge and their names are on our wall of fame outside reception. Reading is incredibly important. Reading three times a week at home at a minimum is essential to ensure progress in vocabulary and fluency across the curriculum, so, with the rain forecast this evening, this is the perfect weather to share a story and dive into another world!
Happy reading!
Mrs L. Edgerton