Welcome back!
It has been lovely seeing everyone back in school and ready for a fantastic year ahead. The sun has been shining and all have been outside enjoying the fresh air and learning outside.
We have all been thinking about challenges and goals that we would like to achieve this year with our new teachers. All at Longnor have settled really quickly to the new routine – thank you to all for adapting to the earlier start. Don’t forget to look at the school website (class pages) to see our learning and timetables: click here.
All children from years 1-6 have been given Seesaw logins, allergy and permission forms. Please take time to check details and return these to school so that we have up-to-date information. Should you need another copy, please let us know.
We would like to invite you to a meeting next week to meet class teachers (please see the post below). They will update you with information that will be useful for the year ahead. It will also be a good opportunity to ask questions or share anything that would be useful for the teacher to know. This year, we hope to invite you into school to see our work more and aim to complete some workshops alongside your child: we hope you can join us.
If you would like to help out by listening to readers or coming on a school trip with us, then please speak to the office to complete a DBS. We would be delighted to have your support and work with you.
Have a lovely weekend. Enjoy the sunshine and stay safe.
Mrs L. Edgerton