Frost fair update

We are ploughing ahead with plans for the Frost Fair. There are a couple of things that we could do with some help in organising if possible:

  • If you have any Christmas lights that could be put in school, please could these be brought in by Friday 19th November labelled with your name so these can be easily returned.
  • We could do Christmas decorations to decorate the school and grotto – please could these be brought in ASAP. (Labelled if possible.)
  • Snowflakes – we need lots of homemade snowflakes. If you could make some, then this would be appreciated. (By the 26th November please.)
  • Should you know of anyone that would like a stall for their business/craft these are available at £10 a table.
  • If you are able to volunteer to set up school on Saturday the 28th November, school will be open from 2-5pm. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your continued support.

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