A big thank you to everyone who came and supported the Frost Fayre last week, it was really festive and warming to see such a great turn out and so many talented performers from school.
We have raised a tremendous amount of money from this event, once the figures have been finalised we will let the school community know.
In the meantime thank you to the following team who without your help and efforts, we wouldn’t have been able to organise such a fantastic fundraiser:
Jo, Dougal, Henry and Molly Bell, Lucy and Sophie Beel, Carissa, Jenny Blackhurst, Claire Brown and Family, Clare Baxter-Smith, Clare Probert, Beckie Cornes, Alex and Lucius Croft, Mrs Cooper, Richard Hall, Gemma Ireland, Tim and Alison Jordan, Lynne, Hannah and Megan James, Rachel and Samuel King, Sara, Charl and Scarlet Marais, Tom P, Sheena, Josh and Tilly P, Daria, Adele Wright, Kitty and Juliet, the Little Owls team, Mrs Edgerton and of course our special guest Peter.