As a school, supported by members of the church and parish, we aspire to succeed together.
‘Together we inspire a lifelong love of learning.’
We aim to deliver the highest quality of education for our pupils within a safe and stimulating environment, which empowers pupils to maximise their potential to become lifelong learners.
“I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me.” (John 10:14)
Within the Bible and particularly the Gospel of John, Jesus is referred to as the good shepherd: for He is depicted as the Good Shepherd who lays his life down for his flock. Longnor CE Primary School, as part of the rural community, is committed to guiding all through the valley on each individual journey. We listen, we value and we share hope and love, taking time to hear each voice so that we know all and all know us. We will all need support from each other at some point in our lives and, as in the parable of the lost sheep, we will be there to guide and care.
Together with the Hereford Diocese and with St. Mary’s Parish community, we work united to promote a strong and distinctive ethos promoting the core Christian values of hope, love, trust and joy:
Having hope is having that belief in yourself that you can achieve your ambitions. We have hope for each other: sticking together and supporting one another. We have a positive outlook and approach each day positively. We don’t give up and show resilience when we are challenged. Hope drives us forwards and is important for lifelong learning.
We all appreciate love – especially for our friends and families. More importantly though, we believe in ourselves and love ourselves. Love is being kind, helping people, being caring and showing compassion. Love is hope in action. Love is the safety and security of our lovely school grounds.
We value friendship at Longnor and for a respectful friendship we recognise that honesty, forgiveness and trust is essential in order to build respectful relationships. Our teachers like to trust us to be independent when working and at forest school. We are trusted to lead activities and councils through the school, taking responsibility for our roles. We trust in our teachers to guide us in our education and to support us when we need it. We make wise decisions that demonstrate kindness.
With hope, in a trusting environment encompassed by love we have a happy, joyful atmosphere. Joy is our fundamental aim. When we are happy, we learn to the best of our ability. We aim to live life well in all its goodness.
Children have a sense of awe and wonder at creation. They appreciate it through forest school, celebrate the changing of the seasons and their link to Christian festivals.
These values underpin all that we teach and what we strive to foster in the children.
Longnor CE Primary school is a community. Within Corinthians 12:12-27, we are called to be one body; to be together as one. We are called to include all and celebrate diversity as does the Christian faith, which brings people together from different parts of the world. We promote a culture of acceptance and respect for others which is essential in creating a safe and welcoming learning environment. At Longnor CE Primary School, we celebrate how special and unique we are, we promote our individual talents and learn from each other through personal development and sharing of skills within clubs and extra-curricular activities. All are welcome and together we learn.
Learning is a lifelong task. Jesus set this example, as He was a lifelong learner. In Luke 2:46, Jesus listened and asked questions. He was an adventurous, dedicated learner and he invites us to join Him in this adventure of learning. Each and every day at Longnor CE Primary School, we explore new and interesting wonders, taking care to trust in others and learn from those around us. We are adventurous and considerate learners, valuing time in forest school to appreciate the natural and wonderful world that God has created. As a community, within the Steeplewold Fold, we value the wondrous and prosperous land that we farm and adore. Looking after our planet and the world that God has created is our priority: together we work to inspire others to look after our environment for the future.
British Values Statement-2024
Collective Worship Policy 2024
Spirituality policy 2024