Our Christian value of trust is incredibly important for creating a valued environment that all feel actively responsible. At Longnor CE Primary School, we empower our children to lead. Our assembly leaders lead in prayer and begin each assembly, each day. They have the trust and respect from the whole school.
We have committees that help make decisions to run the school:
- Our eco-committee inspires others to look after our environment for the future. They take the lead on cutting our carbon and set whole school challenges that are taken into the wider community. Presently, we are taking part in cut your carbon for November challenge.
- Our school council, listens to the views of the school and promotes whole school aims.
- Our SOUL (speak out loud) team concern themselves with the safety of others around school – they listen to the whole school through surveys and support those that may need them. This is our safeguarding board.
- Our sports leaders promote health and wellbeing across school. They run sports events and have training to see how to further develop their leadership skills.
- Each child is given the opportunity to lead a club. If they have a talent that they want to develop and share, then they are given the platform to lead.
Valuing trust and promoting responsibility is important as all are welcome and together we learn.
School Council
School council meet every week with Ms Mullock. They have been leading a project into positive behaviour across school, are a voice for each member of their class and were instrumental in leading the reverse advent calendar which donated valuable items to Church Stretton food bank.
The Soul Team
The SOUL team(speak out loud) with Mrs Edgerton have introduced worry monsters to each class as another route for pupils to share if they have something on their mind.
Sports Ambassadors
Sports leaders, with Mr Helliker, attended training for sports ambassadors at CSS with the Trust-ed Alliance. They have been instrumental in organising tournaments throughout the school and are currently planning a ‘New Aged Kurling’ event for Merlin Class.
Assembly Leaders
We also have a team of assembly leaders who have been leading worship each week. Their confidence in standing up in front of the whole school is developing and they are now communicating clearly and demonstrating excellent respect to all.
Mrs Lewis has set up the Eco-council and have begun to look at the amount of plastic that we use through the school. They led ‘Reduce your carbon’ month in November and have been instrumental in support classes to make a difference.
We have a group of librarians who help run story time club and keep the library organised ready to be used throughout the school. They are from across key stage two.
Club leaders
Some children have volunteered their time to lead clubs during the lunch times.
They have developed their own plans and are now leading a range of activities for all ages.