At Longnor CE Primary School, our vision of ‘Inspiring a lifelong love of learning’ permeates through all that we do. Supporting each and every child to achieve their best in academic subjects and through extra-curricular activities remains our priority whilst developing independence, outdoor learning in a happy environment.
Some disadvantaged children have barriers to their learning such as support at home, language difficulties, communication skills, lack of confidence, more frequent behaviour difficulties or attendance issues. All challenges are varied and there isn’t one size that fits all; therefore, our intent is to provide bespoke, focused support for the individuals at Longnor CE Primary School.
Our ultimate objectives are:
- To narrow the attainment gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils.
- To support our children’s health and wellbeing to enable them to access learning at an appropriate level.
- To ensure that all children have access to a range of extra-curricular activities in order to inspire their lifelong love of learning beyond the classroom.
We aim to do this through:
- Ensuring that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all pupils.
- Ensure that all receive a high-quality education through good or better teaching.
- Targeting interventions (groups and 1:1 support) to accelerate progress towards end of year objectives.
- Social support groups/1:1 to promote health and wellbeing.
- Support payment for activities, educational visits and residential trips. Ensure that all children experience memorable learning experiences in and out of the classroom.
How the funding is spent and the impact it has
Pupil Premium funding is designed to provide schools with additional resources to support potentially vulnerable children, such as those who are Looked After or those on Free School Meals. The funding for 2022-2023 is £1345 per child.
Current spending is based on the idea of providing additional class support to each eligible child using a simple formula. At the moment, this is equivalent to 2 hours teaching assistant support per week for each child. The children will be supported through targeted intervention either in small groups or within the class lessons. Funding is also used towards class trips and music lessons.
In line with DfE performance tables the data for disadvantaged children is supressed, as individuals could be identified. The progress of all groups of pupils is carefully monitored through internal tracking, so that the impact of Pupil Premium funding can be evaluated and targeted as necessary.
For a more detailed breakdown of the spending and consequent impact of the Pupil Premium funding please click on the link below.
Pupil Premium strategy statement 2022-23
Pupil Premium strategy statement 2023-24 revised
Pupil Premium strategy statement 2024-25 revised
Registering for Pupil Premium
If your child does not have Free School Meals but may be eligible due to your family’s income level, please contact the office (in confidence) to register them, or you can register online at:
Children in Key Stage One who receive the Universal Free School Meals still need to be registered for Pupil Premium if they are to receive the extra funding. Even if you do not wish them to have the meals, registering them would mean we could still claim Pupil Premium funding that may be used to help your child.
For general information about Pupil Premium click on the link below:
During the Covid pandemic the government provided each school with funding to support children who needed to catch up in their learning. To see how we have used this money to support the children please follow the link below.
Catch Up Premium Plan 2020