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Health & Welfare

The School has a School Nurse, Alex Davies, who is based at Pontesbury Surgery and whose telephone number is 01743-793038.
The School also has a School Doctor, Dr. Butterworth, who is a Community Paediatrician.
During your child’s first year at school, he or she will be offered hearing and vision tests, as well as measurements of height and weight. In all cases, parental consent is obtained beforehand.

Dental/Medical Appointments

Please let us know in writing or by telephone if your child has an appointment during the school day.

Infectious Diseases

If your child is ill due to an infectious disease, there will be a recommended time of absence from school. This information is available from school and your doctor will also advise.


If your child is unwell, please do not send them to school.

Medicine in School

If there is a need for your child to be given medicine during the school day this may be carried out by the class teacher. Request forms are available in school. Medicines will be securely stored. We ask that on no account should any tablets or medicine be sent with your child. This is to safeguard all children. If, however, your child suffers from asthma and needs to use an inhaler, these should be retained by the child. Class teachers should be informed.
Please keep us informed of any change in your child’s health or personal circumstances.
We would be grateful if parents could include detailed information about any medical needs, on the school’s Admission Form. This may then lead to the completion of a parental request form, for medicine to be administered in school.

Images of Children at School

As many parents are aware, pictures are occasionally taken of the children whilst they are at school. However, under our obligation to the Data Protection Act, and following advice from the Shirehall, we now require parental permission in most cases. Therefore, any parent who has any objection to their child being photographed should notify the school in writing.