We are still waiting for confirmation for a number of children to attend next week’s Geography trip. I have included a copy of the letter below in case anyone has not seen it.
Many thanks.
Dear Parents,
Merlins Geography Field Trip to Church Stretton
On Tuesday 24th October, Merlins class will be visiting Church Stretton to take part in some Geography field work. They will depart from school by coach at 9.15am and will return in time for normal school lunch.
Please can all children come to school in full school uniform and bring with them a waterproof coat and a small rucksack for carrying their water bottle and a school clipboard and pencil.
We are asking for a voluntary contribution of £5.20 to cover the cost of transportation. Please make payment and give consent on ParentPay by Monday 23rd October.
Yours sincerely,
Martyn Helliker