Newsletter – Friday 1st December
Good evening,
What a lovely week we’ve had at Longnor! The younger children have been investigating the frost and icy conditions outside, collecting interesting adjectives and writing about the chilly weather.
As we have started the month of December, we have also started advent and have begun to explore the meaning of advent for Christians, especially the preparations that are needed for Christmas. At lunchtimes, we’ve had a crib making club ready for the Cribfest in Much Wenlock. The creations are fantastic and use a lot of recycled materials. We are looking forward to lighting the first candle on our advent ring next week in assembly.
In assembly, we’ve been thinking about the value of compassion and what this means. We thought about how we can be there to support others and help should they need help. Together, we thought about how it is hard to notice when someone needs our help.
Yesterday, we had a visit from Church Stretton Foodbank. Our school council have launched the reverse advent calendar in aid of the foodbank. If you are able to donate any gifts they will be greatly received.
Thank you to Eagle class who shared their work in assembly this afternoon. We were really impressed with your music playing as we walked into the hall – it was quite magical. Thank you to all that managed to join us this afternoon.
Please stay safe in these frosty conditions. Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs L. Edgerton
Christmas Dinner – Last chance to order
Please use the link below to indicate whether your child would like a Christmas Dinner on the 13th December. We need to confirm numbers by the 4th December. Thank you.
Christmas Concert
Longnor CE Primary School will be hosting a Christmas Concert on the 18th December at 6:00pm, at St Mary’s Church, Longnor.
We would like to invite the children to perform in the school choir, school recorder groups and/or perform a solo performance.
If you would like your child to perform in either one of the listed groups or as a soloist, please let the office know. School will then select individuals to perform at this concert and let the children know.
End of Day Arrangements – December
Please can you fill in the form below with your end of day arrangements for December, by Monday 27th November. Thank you
This week we’ve been talking about online bullying. We thought back to anti-bullying week and how it is really important to make some noise should we be worried. Using characters Spikey the spider and Frankie the fly we talked about how it is important to talk to a trusted adult and share.
We’d like to make key stage two parents aware of a YouTuber that some older students seem to be watching. His name is Mr Beast and he sets challenges and dares. He also makes videos that contain inappropriate innuendos. Please double check security settings and talk about searching the web safely.
Volunteers and donations needed!
We need your help! Can you spare some time to help with the Frost Fayre (Friday 8th December)? We need extra helpers to either set up and take down or to man a stall for a short time on the night.
We could also really do with some more donations please. If you have spare items for the raffle table (gifts, sweets/chocolate, toys etc) or for the barrow of booze, please can you drop them off at the school reception.
Thanks for your help – it really does take the whole of the Longnor School community to make this event a success.
Wreath Making Evening Thanks
We had a fantastic turn out for our Wreath Making event this week, thank you to everyone who came and enjoyed themselves – we had some really beautiful creations from the course.
As always thank you to Charlotte Downes for hosting the event and to Mrs Edgerton for helping out. It was a great way to kick off all the festive events we have planned for school in December!
PJs and Popcorn Night – Get Your Tickets
Schedule in your late night shopping or present wrapping whilst the kids are at our fun movie night with a festive film shown. Tickets must be purchased via ParentPay by 12th December and this event is open to all children in the school.
£5 per child to include food and drink for the evening – see poster for details.

Longnor Frost Fayre – next Friday!
Not long now until the Frost Fayre – we look forward to seeing you there! Remember that friends and family are welcome too.
There are lots of stalls, games and refreshments so remember to bring plenty of cash to spend!

Dorrington Youth Club

Flames Netball Club

Tractor Run

Little Owls: Stay and Play

Parenting helpline

BEAM sessions

Toy Donation Appeal