Friday 13th September
Good evening,
I hope that you’ve all had a lovely week. This week, we have been busy setting up the year ahead:
“Together, we inspire a lifelong love of learning.”
This week we’ve been thinking about how Longnor is a community and that it is important that we all learn together – adults in school enjoy learning from each individual child. Therefore, each student has been given the opportunity to lead a club, sharing their talents and interests together. We trust in them to organise and show kindness as they create an activity that can be shared and be fun. Here is an overview of lunch time clubs starting next week:
We are also looking at setting up a Minecraft after school club on a Monday and dance club/lessons on a Tuesday. Please watch this space for these as Mrs Reynolds will be sending out a survey to see whether there is interest in ballet lessons on school site, which can be for fun or grades. She can teach a range of styles, but will start with ballet.
Thank you to those that managed to attend our meet the teacher sessions. If you missed them, please feel free to pop in to meet teachers at the end of the day – they are all happy to answer any questions you may have about the year ahead.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs L. Edgerton
Autumn term dates 2024
Call for Volunteers
Could you spare some time to volunteer during the school day? Listening to our children read is really important; therefore, if you could spare half an hour at all to pop in and listen to our children read, we would really appreciate it.
Please contact the school office if you are interested. We will, of course, need to run a DBS check.
Little Owls Stay and Play
Start of Year Forms outstanding
We are still missing start of year forms from a number of families – please ensure these forms are completed and returned as soon as possible. Thank you for your support.
100 Club
Thank you to everyone who has confirmed and renewed their numbers. New numbers will now be available to purchase from Monday 16th at school pick up and also at the Coffee Morning on the 20th, with the first draw taking place on Wednesday 25th September.
School Circle AGM
Thursday 26th September 2:45-3:15 in the school hall.
Please attend this meeting if possible as we will be voting in our new Chair as well as Secretary, and drafting up planned events for this year. Refreshments will also be served.
School Circle Coffee Morning – next Friday
School Circle are hosting a coffee morning on Friday 20th September in the school hall after drop off, 8.50am – 9.30am.
This is an informal opportunity to join us for refreshments whilst new and current families mingle and meet one another. You can also hear about School Circle’s plans for this academic year.
Coffee Fundraising Event Poster.pdf
Open day – CSS
Parenting Helpline