Published on: 17th March, 2023

Friday 17th March


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Friday 17th March

Good evening,

As I’ve walked around school this week, it has been wonderful seeing all children focused on their targets and applying their excellent learning behaviours. Across school you can definitely see our values through all that we do:

  • Developing trust and independence
  • Hope for our world as a respectful citizen
  • Joyful and memorable experiences
  • Love for all

In our Thursday assembly, our SOUL team led the session based on e-safety. They have developed a new code of conduct for e-safety and shared this with school. This can be seen on the school website and will be talked about in classes. It is really important that we continue to talk about safety online and promote healthy conversations about online content.

Have a lovely weekend everyone. Take care. 

Mrs L. Edgerton

Tea party

Little Owls are hosting a tea party for their grandparents and guests on the 22nd March 2023. They have been working hard preparing and baking. They all really looking forward to being hosts for the afternoon.

Kestrel class provision

Mrs Jones has an operation planned for over the Easter holidays. Ms. Reece, who has been working with the older children recently, will be leading learning in Kestrel Class whilst Mrs Jones is off school. Planning, assessment and teaching will be handed over in depth during the week of the 27th March.

Red Nose Day Cardingmill Valley Run

Due to the snow last week, the Red Nose Day Cardingmill Valley run was cancelled. The National Trust have advised us that they are unable to reschedule the run at the moment. We have unfortunately decided to cancel the run and have refunded you via ParentPay. Sorry for any disappointment caused.

Basketball Finals

Congratulations to the basketball teams on reaching the finals for South Shropshire. Both teams played incredibly well, with one of our teams winning the finals. This team have now qualified to represent Longnor Primary School and the area at the School Games Basketball event as part of the School Games County Finals on Thursday 25th May. Well done to everyone who took part.


Easter Disco – Tickets on Sale Now

Tuesday 28th March

£5 per child to include a hot dog and a drink.

Stalls, photobooth and games available – bring some spending money with you!

Parents must accompany nursery children. Please see the poster below for more details.

Easter Egg Hunt – 26th March

£3 per child

2 different courses for KS1 and KS2 to participate in.  Children from outside of Longnor School are welcome to attend this event.  Please see the poster below for more details.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Easter Egg Competition

Friday 24th March – prizes to be won!

· Ask a grown up to help you boil your egg(s) for 9 minutes.

· Allow to cool.

· Paint or decorate your egg(s) with your chosen idea.

· If you wish, use a box to decorate a background or setting.

· Give your entry a title.

· Add your name and class to the bottom of your entry.

Please bring your entry with your £1 donation to the school hall on the morning of Fri 24th March, where judging will take place. Remember it will need to be carried in a secure container to avoid damage. Winners will be announced on the day. Entries may be displayed at the Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday 26th March.

Please see the flyer via the link below for more details.

Easter Egg Comp 2023

Save the Date

Please save the date of Sunday 21st May for the Longnor Duck Race – more details to follow!

Scout Cubs – 2nd Longmynd Scout Group


Neurodiversity Celebration Week

Neurodiversity Week

Shrewsbury Park Run

New BEAM sessions

Parenting helpline

Understanding your child groups

Summer 2023 UYC & SEND Groups PDF