Published on: 17th November, 2023

Friday 17th November


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Friday 17th November

Good evening,

What another busy week we’ve had in school! There is so much to share with you.

This week has been anti-bullying week in school. This year’s theme is ‘Make Noise’. We have taken time to consider the difference between banter and bullying and thought about who we would go to should we be worried. Eagle class watched the live lesson from the BBC and were very mature in their responses. Please encourage your child(ren) to make some noise should they be concerned – whether it’s to people at home or those in school, it is really important as bullying behaviour is not ok. 

At the beginning of the week, some pupils from years one and two went to Church Stretton school to play in an indoor cricket festival. They all enjoyed playing the games and finished with learning Jamaican Street Cricket. We are looking forward to taking a group from years three and four next week.

We also had year six Bikeability this week! They braved the cold and put on their layers to think about road safety. All children improved their cycling and road safety skills and worked towards levels one and two. Well done year six.

Merlin class have been thinking about the ceremony of Baptism and went to the church with Rev. Laura earlier in the week to baptise their ‘baby’ Jeremy! Thank you to Rev. Laura for fully involving us in the experience.

A huge thank you to those of you that joined us to to think about the school vision statement. We have really thought about the meaning of our statement and what it means to children, adults working in the school, those in the community and the parish. Once I’ve finished drawing together everyone’s thoughts, I look forward to presenting this to you all.

Well done to Little Owls who shared their amazing assembly on Diwali. The colours in your art was brilliant and it was great to see your dancing. Thank you for sharing this with us and thank you if you were able to join us today.

What a week we’ve had! We are all looking forward to next week and sharing more of our learning opportunities.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs L. Edgerton


As it has been anti-bullying week this week, please see this week’s e-safety focus:

combat-online-bullying (1)

Make a crib challenge

Yesterday, we had Clare Sanders from Cribfest Much Wenlock come into school to lead assembly. She shared with us some of her remarkable cribs that she has collected from her worldwide travels and shared how important the Nativity Story is to her and to Christians. Some of the cribs were made out of newspaper, others out of lace and even some out of sweet wrappers!

She has set us all a challenge – to make cribs before the 27th November that could be shared in Much Wenlock Cribfest (which is the 1st – 4th December). It can be made of anything! If you are able to make one at home, this would be incredible. Clare will be returning to school on the 27th November to collect the finished pieces of art. We hope you have fun being creative.

Parking outside school

We have had a number of people concerned about the parking outside school at the end of the day. We appreciate that parking is a challenge. Please see this message from Juliet Hurrell, expressing her concerns:

To fellow parents who also drive their children to school,I am making a direct appeal to you for the safety of all children who attend Longnor School before we have a serious incident involving our children. Please can you think about your parking and observe the highway code. (Rule 243 – DO NOT stop or park near a school entrance.)No one should be parking directly opposite the school entrance or pulling up across the pavement. Also using the bus space, even once the buses have left, makes it very difficult for people to cross the road safely. We have the option to use the village hall car park and walk to school. It is a short distance but makes a big difference. If the car park is particularly busy it wouldn’t matter if a couple of cars were blocked in, we are all doing the same thing at the same time, so no great inconvenience.Regards, Juliet Hurrell

Cut your carbon

Our eco-committee would like to challenge everyone in Longnor to try to cut their carbon this month. The children have brought home a checklist of 9 different challenges that they would like us to try and complete. If possible, they would like children to bring in evidence of them trying to do this – perhaps a photo or a poster that they’ve developed. Let’s all see whether we can ‘cut our carbon’ in November.

Cut Your Carbon checklist – B&W (1)

Children in Need

Thank you for all your donations today, we have raised £86.96.

Poppy Appeal

Thank you for your generous donations to the Poppy Appeal. We raised £155.15 for the Royal British Legion.

Wreath Making Evening with Charlotte Downes

Thursday 30th November in the school hall – £20 per person.  This event is open to the wider Longnor School community, please book your places via ParentPay to avoid missing out. Mulled wine and minced pies will be served, all materials will be supplied just bring your own scissors and an apron.


100 Club Thanks

Thank you to Vicky Reagan and Mary Jones for donating their October 100 club winnings back to school.

We do still have spare numbers to purchase if you are interested in joining the 100 club – please get in touch with School Circle via the school office.

Frost Fayre – Fri 8th Dec

We have lots of stalls, games booths, food and drink, as well as performances by the children, and Santa will be making a special visit!

If you have the following items spare for the raffle table/teddy tombola or the barrow of booze please can you drop it off in school reception. Thank you in advance.

Eagles and Merlins trips to Beedles Wood

Just a reminder that Eagles and Merlins are going to Beedles Wood for two Forest School sessions this term, beginning next week for Eagles class. Please log onto Parent Pay to give consent and make payment. Thank you.

Old Christmas Decorations

If anyone has any old Christmas decorations that they no longer need, Little Owls would love them. Thanks.

Christmas party for all the family!

On the 22nd December, the School Circle are providing the bar and will take all the profits at this Christmas party. It is for all the family and it will be a great night with live big band music. We have a few Longnor family members that play in the band: a member of the Higgins family, the Cotton family and Mrs Edgerton!

You can buy tickets from the Vine and Co. in Church Stretton, using the phone number on the poster or simply speak with the office and we can help you with tickets. We hope to see you there.


Nasal Flu Vacciation

Just a reminder that the nasal flu vaccination is being administered on Monday. If you have not returned your form, please make sure it comes in with your child on Monday, even if you do not wish your child to have the vaccination. Thank you.

Poppy Appeal

Thank you for your generous donations to the Poppy Appeal. We raised £155.15 for the Royal British Legion.

Merlins Sharing Assembly

Merlins sharing assembly will be next Friday 24th November at 2.45pm

Reception and Year 6 Weighing

The school nurse will be taking height and weight measurements for children in Reception and Year 6 on Wednesday 29th November. If you do not want your child to take part, please complete and return the opt-out form that was sent home this week. Thank you.



Popcorn and PJs Movie Night

Wednesday 13th December – 5.45pm-8pm in the school hall.

Schedule in your late night shopping or that child free dinner as we will be hosting another fun movie night with a festive film shown. Tickets must be purchased via ParentPay and this event is open to all children in the school. £5 per child to include food and drink for the evening – see poster for details.

NHS Measles update

The United Kingdom Health Security Agency (UKHSA) have recently updated information following a national increase in the number of measles cases. UKHSA is urging parents of young children, teenagers and adults to check they are up to date with their MMR vaccines, particularly as we are spending more time indoors where measles can spread more easily. Children are offered the first vaccination at 1 year and the second dose at 3 years and 4 months.

Parents/Carers can check if their child is up to date with their MMR vaccines, by looking in the child’s personal child health record (PCHR), known as the red book, or contact the GP practice. If anyone has missed one or both doses of the MMR vaccine, contact the GP practice to book an appointment. It is never too late to catch up.

Symptoms of measles

Measles usually starts with cold like symptoms e.g. a high temperature, blocked or runny nose, sneezing, cough, red, sore watery eyes

Other symptoms:

Small white spots in mouth

Measles rash (red and blotchy) which usually appears a few days after the cold like symptoms starting on face and behind ears then spreading to rest of the body.

Anyone displaying symptoms should consult the GP or NHS 111

For further information visit NHS Website

Anyone with symptoms should not return to the setting, school, nursery etc.  for at least 4 days from when the rash first appears and avoid close contact with babies, pregnant women and people with a weakened immune system.

Reducing the spread of infection

Wash hands regularly with soap and water

Use tissues when you cough and sneeze

Throw used tissues in to the bin

Supporting information for schools

Shropshire SEND survey

Shropshire SEND service are seeking parent views regarding their service. Please use this link to find the Survey Monkey form:

Little Owls – step stool donation request

Does anyone have a small single step stool that they are no longer using and might therefore be able to donate to Little Owls? Thank you.