Published on: 19th May, 2023

Friday 19th May


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Friday 19th May

Good evening,

The children have been working hard across school. It has been wonderful seeing Kestrel class developing their independence whilst learning about an animal of their choice. They are becoming experts! Merlin class took time to make flowers and bees out of pipe cleaners this week to learn about pollination. They were able to explain in detail about the process using the correct terms and parts of the flower. Well done to all classes. 

It’s that time of year… the annual duck race is here! I do hope that you’ll join us for an ‘eggcellent’ day full of fun and games. I am certainly looking forward to the event, so I hope to see you there.

All the best.

Mrs L. Edgerton


Safer Schools

Safer School initiative

The Safer School initiative is a school security initiative that encompasses personal safety. It was created by West Mercia Police and with the support of Shropshire Council, virtually all Shropshire schools are following the process.

The initiative is a practical and realistic risk management approach to the security/safety of school staff, pupils, property and the premises. Following the satisfactory completion of the process, schools receive the Safer School accreditation, and this accreditation is reviewed every two years. No two schools are the same and therefore, it is site specific to individual schools. The process involves a Safer School meeting, with representatives of the school following a comprehensive package. Safer School meetings are held annually, and parents/carers are informed of progress through newsletters.

The essential elements of the package are as follows: –

1. Implement basic security measures applicable at all schools i.e. property marking, and visitor passes etc.

2. Consider pro-active security/safety measures for the site/building and protecting assets.

3. Establish a procedure for recording incidents i.e. anti social behaviour, vandalism etc. Any recorded information can then be analysed. In addition, the same recording procedure can be used for surveying a problem i.e. an unauthorised thoroughfare.

4. If there are any projects to be undertaken, they are prioritised. Following the implementation of a project, the success of it is reviewed.

5. PSHE or education of pupils as per the Safer School pack.

As part of the process, the school would appreciate your views. Please could you complete the attached survey and forward any particular views/concerns, including any positive observations. These will be reviewed at a forthcoming Safer School meeting. The focus of the survey is the school grounds/site. If any parents/carers are interested to view the Safer School package, they are welcome to visit the school. 

Duck Race – this Sunday

Please join us this Sunday 21st May, 12pm – 2pm at Bridge Farm, Leebotwood for the annual Duck Race.

There will be several races on the day and then the Big Race as the finale.  Prizes will be awarded to the owners of the following ducks in the Big Race:  1st Place: £25          2nd Place: £20                   3rd Prize: £15

Please bring lots of change for your bets!

A BBQ, cake stall, cold refreshments and tuck will be available.  You are also welcome to bring a picnic and we would love you to bring chairs/blankets for comfort.

You can adopt ducks on the day for the Big Race – but if you are unable to come, then adopt your duck via ParentPay (£1.50 per duck). Feel free to adopt as many as you would like!

Look forward to seeing you there for a quacking time!

Location: opposite the sign for Farm Shop on A49 or use the App what3words: assets.studs.aced

Please note, there will be no toilets on site this year. Please also note dogs will not be allowed.

Duck Race Leaflet 2023

Bags2School – thanks!

Thanks to everyone who gave donations to our Bags2School Collection.

We have raised a very useful £35.00 and have recycled your unwanted items too!

Thanks to Kat Beedles for organising this activity for School Circle.

Look out for our Autumn collection dates later in the year.

Little Owls – step stool donation request

Does anyone have a small single step stool that they are no longer using and might therefore be able to donate to Little Owls? Thank you.

NSPCC assemblies after half term

After half term, all classes will be joining in with the NSPCC virtual assemblies based on ‘Speak out. Stay safe.’

Please see the attached letter from the NSPCC explaining the content of the assemblies and suggested resources that you could access at home.

Parents and carers letter (spring 2023)

The NSPCC are looking for volunteers that could support in the delivery of these assemblies. Here is their message:

NSPCC School Service volunteers needed in your area.

We are looking for more volunteers from all over Shropshire to join our Speak out. Stay Safe volunteer team. No experience required, just a passion to make a difference!

As a Speak out. Stay safe. volunteer, you will visit primary schools to deliver our Speak out. Stay safe. workshops that teach children about the different types of abuse and how they can speak out and stay safe, helping us protect a generation of children from abuse and neglect. Our Speak out. Stay safe. workshops are age-appropriate and memorable and need an energetic and enthusiastic person to deliver them. We offer you full training and support as you work alongside other Speak out. Stay safe. volunteers to enable children to feel empowered and know who they can speak out to if they are worried.

Scan here if you are interested in volunteering as a Speak out. Stay safe volunteer and want to find out more about the role by attending a Volunteer Information Meeting, which is a fantastic opportunity to:

  •  Meet with staff as well as volunteers to ask any questions you may have
  • Learn more about the application process and your volunteer journey

Our meetings are designed to help you decide whether you want to apply – there’s no obligation or expectation that you’ll apply if you attend one.

If you have any questions, please contact either:

Kate Warner (Schools Coordinator) at

Tickets for Big Quack Duck Race Finale – on ParentPay

Please join us on Sunday 21st May from 12 until 2pm at Bridge Farm, Leebotwood. There will be several races on the day and the Big Quack Race as the finale. You can adopt ducks on the day for the Big Race – but if you are unable to come, then adopt your duck via ParentPay (£1.50 per duck). Feel free to adopt as many as you would like!

Dates for your diary

Parking outside school

Please could all drivers be extra careful at drop off and pick up. There was a near miss this morning when a driver reversed and almost collided with a cyclist. For the safety of our pedestrians and cyclists, please take care to do your three point turns away from the school gate. We appreciate your support with this matter.

Sleep tight workshops


  • Would you like to know more about why sleep is important for our health and emotional well- being?
  •  Does your child struggle with their sleep?
  •  Would you like to access support to help improve sleep and bedtime routines?
  •  Would you like to meet other parents/carers to share and discuss experiences?

The workshops are delivered virtually via MS Teams or face to face at a venue in Shropshire

Our workshops run for 5 weeks from the start date excluding the School Holidays

 Starting on Friday 16th June 2023 from 9.30am to 11.30am

 Virtually via MS Teams

To book a place on one of our workshops or for further information on the workshops we run please contact the Parenting Team by:


Or call us on 01743 250950

Orienteering in Church Stretton

New Youth Group for years 6 and 7 Postponed – Can you help?

We had hoped to launch a new Youth Club in Church Stretton for years 6 and 7 starting on the 6th of June.  Sadly we have to postpone this as we have not had enough volunteers come forward yet to make this possible.  Can you, or anyone you know, help?!

We are looking for volunteers who can spare a couple of hours on a Tuesday afternoon a couple of times a term.  You will be part of a team led by a SYA qualified Youth Worker and all training and support will be provided.  We are still really keen to provide an opportunity from September for young people in years 6 and 7 to get together, have fun and try new things.  Please help us to make this happen.

If you are interested please contact Eve or Nicola and Mayfair Community Centre – phone 01694 722077 or email Or pop along to the Russells Meadow Pavilion, Church Stretton, on Tuesday 6th June between 4 and 5.30 to chat with us and find out more. The current Youth drop-in sessions for young people in years 8 to 11 will continue next term (6.00 to 7.30 Tuesday evenings at the Pavilion).  We will still be providing some taster sessions for years 6 and 7 after the half term break, so watch this space for details on these. We’ll publicise them on and on Facebook – check out  /ChurchStrettonYouthDropin or /MayfairCommunityCentre.

Adcote School Summer Camp

Carnival Workshop

New BEAM sessions

Parenting helpline