Friday 20th October
Good evening,
Thank you to the whole community for helping get families safely home today. We really appreciate the support from all. We trust that everyone managed to get home and are able to stay safe this weekend. Our thoughts are with those families that woke to flood water in their homes – if we can be of any help, please let school know.
Children and staff have had a busy week in school! Back on Monday, our SOUL team led assembly by sharing their new motto: ‘Inclusion, inclusion, inclusion.’ They have thought about key aims for this year and their most important aim is that they do not want anyone to feel left out, especially at play time. They have started to think about how they can ensure that everyone has someone to play with at break. We look forward to watching their ideas and plans develop to ensure that all are included.
As part of this assembly, we learnt how to sign the word ‘respect’. I hope that children have shared this with you at home. If not, here is a link to a video that we used: link.
Merlin class have visited Beedles’ wood this week. As part of their DT project, they were designing shelters that would house a doll. They had to think about the structure carefully and ensure that it was able to meet the design brief.
Year six had an exciting day on Thursday when they visited Shrewsbury High School for a choral day. They spent the day learning songs to perform in a concert. The songs included singing in parts, a round and in harmony. There were over 100 singers performing with a band to support. What a fabulous experience they had!
We wish you all a safe weekend.
All the best.
Mrs L. Edgerton
Parents’ evening
Parents’ evening booking The link is now live on the school website:
For some reason it is coming up with an ‘Oh Dear’ message once you’ve clicked it. Please ignore this. It does work and appointments are being booked.
Many thanks.
Saturday 28th October – a blessing of pets
School photographs
We have a photographer from Next Generation School Photography coming in on Monday to take individual and sibling photos of the children. If you would like to bring in older or younger children for a sibling photo, you are welcome to come in at 8.30am. Please let the office know this week if you plan to bring other children in for a photo. Many thanks.
Craft Club
After half term, Mrs Cooper will be starting a craft club between 3.15 and 4.30pm on a Friday for all children from Reception to Year 6. In these sessions, children will be creating some beautiful wooden decorations and objects.
The dates of these sessions will be:
- Friday 17th November
- Friday 24th November
- Friday 1st December
- Friday 8th December
The cost of the sessions will be £7.50 per week, £30.00 for all four sessions, and you will need to sign up for all four sessions via ParentPay.
There are only 15 places available and these will be allocated on a ‘first come first served’ basis. Quiet games club will be running as usual at the same time at a cost of £5 per session.
If your child would like to attend, please give consent and make payment via ParentPay by Monday 13th November 2022.
PD day
Please remember that we have a PD day on Friday 27th October.
Assemblies after half term
We would like to invite you to a 2:30pm sharing assembly after half term for your child’s class:
- Friday 10th November – Kestrels
- Friday 17th November – Little Owls
- Friday 24th November – Merlins
- Friday 1st December – Eagles
Casual TA job vacancies
We welcome applications for casual TA positions. Please see the school website for further details.
Relief Casual Teaching Assistant
Grade 5 (Level 2) SCP: 6-7, £11.38-11.59 per hour
Casual contract with hours as required between 8:45am and 5:30pm, term time only
Hours per week: 0 hour contract
Required ASAP
British Values
This week, in assembly, we have been thinking about how important the laws are in our country so that all can live a happy and safe life. We talked about how the laws are agreed in our democratic country. We are all thankful for those that continue to serve and help reinforce our laws.
Frost Fayre – Save the Date
Please save the date of Friday 8th December, for the Longnor Frost Fayre – more details to follow!
100 Club – we need your help!
We are still a long way from filling all the numbers in this years 100 Club Draw. As there are 20+ numbers unsold and unclaimed, School Circle have decided to delay both the September draw and October draw until the 24th October to allow time for those who are renewing to confirm, as well as an opportunity for those who have not yet joined to do so.
The 100 Club draw is essentially a lottery – it costs £1 per month per number, (£12 for the year for 1 number), and each month 3 numbers are randomly picked from 1-100 by our School Circle Treasurer.
There are 3 cash prizes, 1st is £25, 2nd £10 and 3rd £5.
This is a very effortless way for us to raise money for the school but it does depend entirely on as many numbers being sold as possible, so if you would like to join, please either ask for a letter from the school reception or message Tina on the School Circle WhatsApp group for details.
Unsold/unclaimed numbers are as follows:
2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 21, 25, 34, 36, 37, 43, 46, 50, 58, 63, 66, 71, 72, 78, 82, 85, 89 and 98.
Thank you for your support.
Halloween Disco Tickets
Don’t forget to purchase your tickets for the Halloween Disco.
£6 to inc a choice of sandwich/cake/drink – tickets available on ParentPay.
Little Owls & Kestrels – 5.30 – 7pm
Merlins & Eagles – 7 – 8.30pm
Nursery children must be accompanied by an adult please.
Don’t forget to bring some spending money for tuck and games!
BEAM sessions
Parenting helpline
Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium funding is designed to provide schools with additional resources to support potentially vulnerable children, such as those who are Looked After or those on Free School Meals. The funding for 2023-2024 is £1345 per child.
Current spending is based on the idea of providing additional class support to each eligible child using a simple formula. At the moment, this is equivalent to 2 hours teaching assistant support per week for each child. The children will be supported through targeted intervention either in small groups or within the class lessons. Funding is also used towards class trips and music lessons.
In line with DfE performance tables the data for disadvantaged children is supressed, as individuals could be identified. The progress of all groups of pupils is carefully monitored through internal tracking, so that the impact of Pupil Premium funding can be evaluated and targeted as necessary.
Registering for Pupil Premium
If your child does not have Free School Meals but may be eligible due to your family’s income level, please contact the office (in confidence) to register them, or you can register online at:
Children in Key Stage One who receive the Universal Free School Meals still need to be registered for Pupil Premium if they are to receive the extra funding. Even if you do not wish them to have the meals, registering them would mean we could still claim Pupil Premium funding that may be used to help your child.
For general information about Pupil Premium click on the link below:
Parent Survey 2023
We really appreciate your thoughts and opinions and always respond to your suggestions from the parent questionnaire. If you could spare five minutes to provide us with some feedback, we would really appreciate it. Please use this Google Form: