Friday 20th September
Good evening,
We all hope that you’ve had a lovely week. We had a brilliant trip to Cardingmill valley on Tuesday for the years one and two cross country races. Everyone was fantastic and showed excellent resilience, running all the way around. A special congratulations go to Evie, Charlie J and Rohan for placing in the top three in their races. Well done everyone!
We’ve started our lunchtime clubs this week and have had a great range of activities on offer: from Lego masters to acting, there is something for everyone. Please encourage children to go along as the leaders have prepared activities for the sessions and need support.
We’d like to welcome Mrs Slater to our team. She is a TA covering in Kestrels a few mornings each week and helping year one with their phonics.
Please double check the diary dates as the term is starting to get busy! Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs L. Edgerton
Open Day
Nasal Flu Immunisation Consent
Your child has been sent home with a Flu mist consent form this week. The School Aged Immunisation team will be in school on Friday 18th October to administer the Nasal Flu Mist, should you wish your child to receive it. The nasal spray will be available to all children from Reception to Year 6. Please complete the con sent form using the QR code provided whether you would like your child to receive the spray or not.
Please see letter attached:
Longnor CofE Primary School
School Circle AGM
Thursday 26th September 2:45-3:15 in the school hall.
Please attend this meeting if possible as we will be voting in our new Chair as well as Secretary, and drafting up planned events for this year. Refreshments will also be served. Please see the agenda via the link below:
SC AGM Agenda Sept 2024
100 Club – Last calls!
Thank you to everyone who has purchased a number so far. We do still have a few numbers left over before we run our first draw next week, so please get in touch if you haven’t done so already.
Save The Date
Halloween Disco – evening of Thursday 24th October in the school hall.
More details to follow and a request for volunteers will go out in next week’s newsletter.
Dates for the Diary
Little Owls Stay and Play
Little Owls Phonics Workshop
Bikeability – Year 6
Bikeability will be on Monday and Tuesday next week, don’t forget to bring your bikes and helmets with you on Monday morning. If you would like to leave your bikes at school overnight on the Monday, we are happy to store them in the hall.
Many thanks.
Harvest Festival
If you are able to join us for the Harvest Festival on Friday afternoon, then it would be lovely to see you. We are meeting at 2pm in St. Mary’s Church. If you are able to donate a food item, we are collecting items for Church Stretton Food Bank. They need help with:
- Pasta – dried
- Cooking oil
- Tinned carrots
- Tinned peas
- Tinned tomatoes
- Honey
- Peanut butter
- Small bags of sugar
They are, of course, incredibly grateful for any donations that you may offer.
Many thanks.