Published on: 22nd September, 2023

Friday 22nd September


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Friday 22nd September

This week has been incredibly busy!

Thank you to all that joined us for the School Circle AGM. We have managed to fill all roles and are delighted to continue to have a lovely calendar of events for the children and community. Because of all of the fantastic fundraising, school has been presented with a large donation this year. School is working alongside the School Circle to decide on how to invest so that all children benefit. We will, of course, let you know later in the term how the money has been spent. Thank you to all that have supported events over the year.

On Thursday, Merlin class went to Cardingmill Valley for the cross country races. Everyone ran with perseverance and determination and managed to finish with a smile. Well done to everyone!

Thank you to all that have shared and followed our Facebook page. We would like to use this as another communication tool so that messages are shared clearly. We will be putting some photos up on there for promotion and to share – for this we use the photo permission slips that you filled in at the beginning of term. With the news of having a Facebook page, if you would like to alter your permissions, please let the school office know. For those that have yet to return these forms, we would appreciate having these returned to the school office as soon as is possible. Thank you.

We all hope that you have a restful and lovely weekend.

Mrs L. Edgerton

P.S. We would also like to wish Mrs Cooper a very special ‘big’ birthday!

British Value of Democracy

We continued to look at democracy as a British value and thought about how we can make decisions in school demonstrating this democracy. We have set up our school lunch time clubs together – taking votes to ensure that everyone had a voice. We have also had our elections for our committees, which we will announce next week in assembly.

Assembly messages this week

As a school, we have continued to look at the value of respect. We thought about how we should treat others in order to show respect. One of the stories we looked at was the story of Elijah and the widow, taken from the Bible. In this story, we thought about the message that all people were shown respect by God and how they were not judged. We concluded to…

  • Try to treat everyone we meet with respect, even the people who are often undervalued
  • Remember that if we treat someone with respect, they are much more likely to treat us with respect
  • Remind ourselves that God thinks that each one of us is a unique person of infinite value to him



Government recommendation for packed lunches

Please could we ask parents to read the government recommendations below on packed lunches:

So that we are eating a healthy, balanced lunch, a packed lunch should include:

  • at least one portion of fruit and one portion of vegetables every day.
  • meat, fish or other source of non-dairy protein (e.g. lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas,
    hummus, and falafel) every day.
  • a starchy food such as any type of bread, pasta, rice, couscous, noodles, potatoes or other
    type of cereals every day.
  • dairy food such as milk, cheese, yoghurt, fromage frais or custard everyday
  • only water, milk, yoghurt or milk drinks and smoothies.

A balanced diet is always recommended and the following should only be included in moderation:

  • snacks such as crisps. Savoury crackers or breadsticks served with fruit,
    vegetables or dairy food are also a good choice.
  • confectionery such as chocolate bars, chocolate-coated biscuits and sweets. Cakes
    and biscuits are allowed but encourage your child to eat these only as part of a
    balanced meal.
  • Meat products such as sausage rolls, individual pies, corned meat and sausages /
    chipolatas should be included only occasionally.

Please could we also remind parents that if your child is in Little Owls, grapes should be cut in half for safety reasons.


Lunch time clubs

Here are the lunchtime clubs for this term:

Merlins Cross Country

Merlins class had a fantastic time completing the cross country course at Carding Mill Valley on Thursday. Congratulations to all the children who took part.

Save the Date – Halloween Activities

More details to follow but please save the dates:

Weds 25th October – Pumpkin Carving Competition

Thurs 26th October – Halloween Disco

Acton Burnell Bus pick up

Boulton’s have asked us to remind families that children need to be on the bus in Acton Burnell ready to leave at 8.15am to avoid delays in getting to school. They will review this time once the road has reopened. Thank you.

Frost Fayre



Little Owls: Stay and Play

Outstanding forms

We still have a number of families who have yet to return the forms that were sent home on the first day of school. It is really important that we have these returned to us so that we can update our records.

If you need new copies of these forms, please email or telephone Lucy in the office. Thank you.