Newsletter – Friday 26th April
Good evening,
What a fantastic event the half marathon in Shrewsbury was! It was brilliant to see so many of our school running and having fun! Well done to all that ran. We would love to keep running regularly through the mile run and see if we can enter again next year.
We’d like to thank the Dixon/Downes family for hosting us on Tuesday when Little Owls visited Home Farm. The children had a brilliant day and came back with some lovely stories about the animals they saw and fed. What a wonderful experience that they’ll remember. Thank you.
In assemblies this week, we thought about friendships that support each other through thick and thin. We listened to a story about friends who didn’t give up and continued to support their friend through sickness. Like a paper chain they were stronger together than a single piece of paper. We will continue thinking about friendship next week.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
May End of Day Form
Please complete your child’s end of day form for May by Friday 26th April.
Thank you.
Job vacancy – come and join our team!
Cleaning Assistant
Grade 1 SCP: 2, £11.59 per hour
13.75 hours per week plus an optional overtime in the school holidays
Start date 2nd September 2024
We are seeking to appoint and conscientious and reliable cleaner to work at Longnor C of E Primary School. The successful candidate will be required to work 2.75 hours per day from 2.45pm to 5.30pm and have the option to complete deep cleans during the holidays.
For those requiring childcare, Night Owls wraparound can be negotiated to applicants within the Longnor School Community.
Closing Date: 2nd June 2024
Interview Date: Week beginning 3rd June 2024
This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The successful applicant will be subject to an enhanced DBS check.
For further information and an application pack contact the school office on 01743 718493 or email
Please see our school website for more information: website.
Relief Casual Teaching Assistant
Grade 5 (Level 2) SCP: 6-7, £12.38 – 12.59 per hour
Casual contract with hours as required between 8:45am and 5:30pm, term time only
Hours per week: 0 hour contract
Required ASAP
We are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic and skilled practitioner to work under the guidance of teaching staff to implement agreed work/care/intervention programmes with individuals or groups, in or out of the classroom as a casual member of our team.
Ideally, the successful candidate will:
- Have at least GCSE Maths and English Grade C or equivalent
- Be able to support the Christian ethos of the school
The school can offer:
- The opportunity to work with experienced, committed and enthusiastic staff
- Inspiring indoor and outdoor learning environments to work in
- An ethos that promotes exciting ways of learning
Closing Date: 12th May 2024
Interview Date: tbc
This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The successful applicant will be subject to an enhanced DBS check.
Class Photos
On Monday 20th May, Next Gen Photography will be coming in to take our class/group photos. They are also planning to take individual photos of Year 6 outside, weather permitting. Please can you make sure your child is in the correct uniform.
Relationships and sex education
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
Since 2020 all primary schools in England have been required to teach Relationship Education and Health Education. This is in addition to the statutory national science curriculum. Our policy is available on the school website.
As you may be aware, as part of personal, social and health education we use the Shropshire Respect Yourself Eat Better, Move More, RSE scheme of work. This is quality assured by the PSHE Association and has won national awards. Our secondary schools also use the scheme. This provides age-appropriate progression and consistency of approach.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from the sex education element of the curriculum, but not the relationship, science or health education curriculum. The DfE have produced a leaflet for parents “understanding relationship and health education in your child’s school: primary” .
If you have any concerns about the programme for your child, we are available to discuss these and the implications of withdrawal with you. We can also highlight resources and books so that you can discuss these important issues with your child.
Please find attached our school letter and policy. RSE letter to parents 2024
Lisa Edgerton
RSE knowledge mapped through the school
Duck Race – 19th May
Please come along and support the annual Longnor Duck Race – bring your family and friends too….the more the merrier!

Please note that due to the event taking place on a farm, no dogs are allowed on site. Thanks.
Next School Circle Meeting
Friday 10th May 2.45pm, in the staff room
This is an important meeting as we will start planning the Summer Fete due to be held early July. We would like to bring back Longnor Fest this year as the format which will require a lot of input and help from the Longnor community.
Fundraising has been difficult this year despite the continued support and turn out from our school community and families. Rising costs have eaten into our profit margins and with vast cutbacks in educational funding from the local authorities as well as the government, it is vital that our last fundraiser event of this academic year allows us to sustain the amount of money we have historically raised to give to the school in September. So please do come forward if you have an idea for the event, or can spare as little as an hour on the day. Every little bit helps!
Please think of us whilst spring cleaning as your unwanted items can help raise funds for school. The link below gives a full list of the items we can accept and includes – clothes, hats, shoes, bags, belts, soft toys, towels, bedding and curtains.

Stay & Play

Parking at the beginning and end of the school day
This week, a staff member’s car parked in the staff car park was damaged during pick up. Please could we remind parents that the staff car park is for staff and disabled parking only. No other parents should be using this car park without permission.
We would also like to remind you of the general rules around parking near schools. Rule 243 of The Highway Code states: DO NOT stop or park near a school entrance. We remind parents that the lay-by in front of the school is for buses only and must not be used for drop off and pick up between 8.25am and 9.00am, or 3.00pm and 3.30pm – even if the buses have already gone. Parked cars in this area make road crossing dangerous for parents and children who are forced to cross between multiple cars, many of which are moving. No vehicle should ever stop or park on the zig zag lines around the school entrance, including the grassy area at the end of the fence or on the no parking area in front of the bins.
Likewise, the pavements opposite school must not be used for drop off, waiting or parking. We have had many complaints from angry local residents about the pavements being blocked by vehicles. Opposite the school is a residential home for adults with learning difficulties and access is needed all day. Parking on the pavement makes it extremely dangerous for the residents, some of whom are visually impaired and in wheelchairs. We ask that all parents park in the village hall car park or further down the road and walk the short distance to school. Our school is a part of Longnor community and it is very important that we treat our neighbours with respect.
We are grateful for your support in keeping our children and community safe.
Shrewsbury Town Women’s football match – Sunday 28th April
At Longnor school we have a long tradition of both boys and girls playing football.
Two of Longnor School’s alumni, Kim Bebbington (who left around 2004) and Sophie Eastwood (left in 2019) both now play for The Shrewsbury Town Women’s first team who actively look to encourage more participation in the sport.
Sophie and Kim are both playing at Shrewsbury Town Croud Meadow Stadium on Sunday 28th April – kick off at 2pm and would love to see some Longnor faces there.
Both girls will be taking autographs at the end of the match, so tell them you go to Longnor School school so they can say an extra special HELLO!
Tickets are just £2 per person click here to purchase online or simply pay at the gate.
If you buy online, let us know your School Name and seat numbers and we would be happy to give your child a shout out at half time!
Young Nature Photographer and Artist of the Year