Published on: 29th September, 2023

Friday 29th September


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Friday 29th September

Good evening,

What a busy week we’ve had in school!

In forest school, we’ve been searching for the first signs of autumn: looking for changes in leaves and finding acorns and conkers all over the grounds. We’ve been singing autumn songs in assembly ready for our harvest festival. Rev. Laura would like to lead our harvest service on Friday 6th October at 2pm in the church. If you are able to join us, it would be lovely to see you there.

Clubs have started in school at lunch time. Everyone has been busy leading and joining in the activities. We’ve had interesting podcasts created, music played, sports shared and a dance club lead by children in year three. Celebrating the range of talents is really important as we are a school community and learn from each other: ensuring we are inspiring a lifelong love of learning.

We hope that you are able to join us for our open day on Wednesday. We are proud of our school and look forward to sharing work with you. We hope to give tours to visitors and allow friends of the school time to see school in action.

For now, though, have a lovely weekend.

Mrs L. Edgerton

Open day

Please pop in and see our school in action through the day or in the evening on Wednesday 4th October 2023:

Little Owls: Stay and Play

Harvest Festival – Friday 6th October

We will be celebrating Harvest Festival at Longnor Church at 2.00pm on Friday 6th October. Parents are welcome to attend this event.

Eagles and Merlins Forest School

Please could we remind parents of children in Eagles and Merlins classes to give permission and payment on ParentPay for the upcoming Beedles Wood trips.

If any parents are able to volunteer their time to help with these trips, please contact the school office. The trips leave at 12.00pm and return in time for the normal end of school.

Thank you.

Bags2School – thanks

Thanks to everyone who donated items for the recent Bags2School collection.

We raised £68 for school from your unwanted items – many thanks.

A big thank you to Kat Beedles for leading on this project for School Circle.

The next collection is expected to be in May next year – details to follow.

End of Day October

Please complete your child’s end of day arrangements for October by Sunday 1st October at the latest.

Thank you.

Halloween – Save The Date

More details to follow but please save the dates:

Wednesday 25th October – Pumpkin Carving Competition

Thursday 26th October – Halloween Disco

Uniform reminder

Please could we remind parents that jewellery is not permitted in school with the exception of stud earrings which must be removed for PE lessons. Please find our uniform policy here.

Additionally, children should not be bringing toys into class.

Thank you for your support.


This week we’ve been looking at self-image and identity. We thought about the images that we post online and thought about how we can keep ourselves safe.

In sharing assembly, we shared the focus activities that we’ve been looking at linked to image and identity. Some thought about how we might feel using the internet – from happy and excited to scared and worried. If we are not feeling happy, we thought about who our trusted adults are and how we can use the CEOP link to report.


This week we have been thinking about respect and why we have rules. We thought about whether rules really matter. Starting with the Highway Code, we thought about why we have signs and what why these rules are important. We then applied our same thoughts to the rules we have in school. Everyone shared their ideas about why we have rules – to keep us safe and make sure that everyone enjoys their days in school.

Wrekin maths challenge

Congratulations to Elliot, Robert, Elsie and Ben who represented the school at the Wrekin maths challenge today. They all worked really hard and enjoyed the challenge. Well done team.

Sports Ambassadors

Well done to our sports ambassadors who went to Church Stretton school to have leadership training on Tuesday. We can’t wait for you to organise some tournaments for everyone back at school!

Snacks at break time

We encourage a healthy snack of fruit at break time. KS1 and EYFS have fruit provided.

Condover Christmas Fete – Mrs Claus Grotto