Friday 2nd December
Good evening,
School has definitely had a bit of Christmas sparkle this week! We opened the doors on Monday to wonderful Christmas decorations. Thank you to the volunteers who decorated school – it looks fantastic!
We are all looking forward to the Frost Fayre tonight. Here are the running times for those that are performing:
- 6:15pm – Kestrel class singers
- 6:30pm – Dance club
- 6:45pm – Band
- 7pm – Ukulele players
- 7:15pm – Recorder groups (jazzy recorders, rocking recorders and a solo by Robert)
- 7:30pm – Christmas compositions by Merlin Class (those that feel confident to share)
Please can they meet me in the hall by the stage.
Also, this week, we’ve been to the county U11 football mixed tournament. We played some great football against some challenging competition. Well done everyone.

I hope to see you at the Frost Fayre.
All the best.
Mrs L. Edgerton
Good luck Mrs Batha
Mrs Batha will be leaving Longnor at the end of this term. We would like to congratulate her in her new position and wish her the best of luck.
Collection for leaving gifts
If you would like to make a donation towards a gift for Mrs Reynolds or / and Mrs Batha, then please send this in to Mrs Edgerton by the 9th December. Many thanks.
New appointments
We would like to send a warm welcome to the new members of our team:
Mrs Marshall has started a handover as administrator. You may have seen her in the office already!
Mrs Buckland will be starting in January as a teaching assistant in Merlin Class.
Job vacancy
Lunchtime Supervisor required:
5 hours per week, term time only Grade 1 (SCP 1) £10.50 per hour
Fixed term until 31 August 2023, in the first instance
Required ASAP
Lunch Supervisor Advert
School Photographs Deadline
Individual school photographs took place in school this week and your child was sent home with a slip with their individual ordering code on it. The deadline for ordering for school delivery is 9th December. If you wish for your photos to be delivered to school before we break up for Christmas then please ensure your order is placed before this date.
Rector – Steeplewood Fold Christmas Events

Winter weather conditions
With winter weather conditions on the horizon, I’d like to signpost you to our school closure procedure should we need to consider closing:
School Closure Due To Bad Weather Nov 2022
We will also aim to grit the paths should the weather turn icy. Please refer to the school gritting policy for the areas of school we aim to grit in the mornings. Please be careful as the winter weather approaches.
Gritting Policy January 2022
Reverse Advent Calendar – message from School Council
Message from the school council
This year we are organising a reverse advent calendar, This is where instead of getting something everyday we bring in things to donate to the food bank.
Please could you try to bring in as many things from the following list as possible and put them in our box:
Tinned food
Advent calendar
Christmas pudding
Mince pies
Toiletries (shampoo, shower gel, soap etc)
Hot chocolate
Woolly hats
Board games.
We will start collecting everything on the 28th of November 2022
Thank you very much for your generosity.
Yours sincerely, school council.
Thank you.
Young Nature Photographer of the Year, 2023 is open for entries!
University Centre Shrewsbury are inviting young people aged 5-18 to enter their Young Nature Photographer of the Year, 2023 competition. Aimed at inspiring the next generation of nature photographers, up to 5 photographs can be submitted by each individual with entries closing at midnight on Sunday 8th January. Entries should be emailed to including the entrants name, date of birth and school name in the main e-mail with the photos as attachments.
There will be prizes across four school age categories: Primary (511) and Key Stages 3, 4 and 5 including:
- Wildlife Camera Traps
- Shropshire Wildlife Trust Memberships
- Other wildlife essentials such as, nature guides, bug hotels, bird feeders and nest boxes
Entries will be judged by a panel, including wildlife author and photographer David Woodfall and winners will be informed, by e-mail, by the 15th January.
Winners will be invited to The UCS Young Nature Photographer of the Year, 2023, Awards Morning on the 15th February, where the prizes will be presented by BBC Springwatch presenter Iolo Williams. Further details of this event will be provided if your photograph is a winner.
Frost Fayre – TONIGHT
TONIGHT 6 – 8pm in school – we look forward to seeing you there!
Please be mindful of parking for this event and ensure you do not block the neighbours’ drives and access. Many thanks.

Mince Pies and Mingle
School Circle will set up refreshments in the school hall after the school Carol Service on Tuesday 13th December.
Please come along and have a mince pie and a mingle with other Longnor families. We will also have the pre-loved uniform available to browse and buy.
If anyone can help serve refreshments on the day, please let the school office know.
Holly berry icon. Christmas symbol vector illustration
Classfundraising Christmas Cards and Gifts
The children have been creating some beautiful Christmas artwork in school which will be turned into Christmas cards, gift tags, tea towels, mugs and wrapping paper by Classfundraising. For every item sold, a small profit goes directly to Longnor School. This year, orders must be placed and paid for online direct with Classfundraising using a unique ID code.
Codes and more details about how to place an order will be sent home with a FREE sample card, hopefully next week (delays due to postal strikes notwithstanding). Please do think about cards and gifts from Classfundraising and help boost funds for Longnor this Christmas!
Key dates for your diary
- Kestrel class play – 7th December at 2:30pm and 6pm
- Christmas Carol Service with Little Owls Nativity – 13th December at 2pm
Look at what Little Owls have made!
Roll up roll up!
Little Owls are nearly ready for the Frost Fayre tomorrow! Look at all the things we have ready so far!
Thank you so much for all of your donations to make this possible.
Hopefully we will see you tomorrow between 6 and 8 in the school hall.