Friday 4th November
Thank you to our drama group from Merlin class who led a brilliant assembly on the ‘Gunpowder Plot’ today. The whole school thought about how to stay safe over the weekend. Here are their top tips:
- Keep your distance from bonfires.
- Always have water near by.
- Wear gloves when you use sparklers.
- Look after your pets.
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend. Stay safe.
Mrs Jones’ challenge
Mrs Jones has a fantastic challenge ahead – walking 100km across the Sahara from the 11th of November.
We would like to get involved and would like to challenge each class to walk at least 100km as a team from the 11th to the 20th of November. We will be trying to do a km a day at school, but you can boost the distance by walking at home. Should you wish to donate some money to support us, donations will go towards Mrs Jones’ challenge and the Coppafeel charity.
Which class will walk the furthest? We will keep you updated with how far we’ve trekked!
Nasal Flu Vaccine – Monday 7th November
Please be reminded that the annual nasal flu vaccine for children will take place at school on Monday 7th November.
Year 2 Recorder Lessons
Please click the link below to see a letter regarding recorder lessons for children in Year 2.
Year 2 Recorder Lessons Nov 2022
Change of footwear
With the wet weather and winter approaching, the school grounds are becoming increasingly muddy. Please ensure your child comes to school with a change of footwear if they wish to play on the grass areas at break times.
Forest School Clothing
For Forest School, children need to be in suitable clothing for the weather and seasons but with LONG SLEEVES and LONG TROUSERS at all times. This is due to brambles, nettles, insects and possible trips and stumbles that may occur. Having the long clothes provides the children with an extra layer of protection. These clothes should not be special and you should expect them to come home dirty and muddy! Children MUST come to school with a change of footwear for before and after the session as the grounds are becoming increasingly muddy with the wet weather.
Poppies for sale
We have a box of poppies and other gifts from the ‘Poppy Appeal’. Should you wish to donate then Eagle Class will be selling these at break time next week.

Welcome Miss Reece
We would like to welcome Miss Reece to the team. She is a cover teacher and will be leading learning in key stage two to support classes as and when needed. Over the next couple of weeks, she will be leading learning on a Thursday and Friday in Merlin class.
Cookery Club
Unfortunately due to staffing levels we are having to withdraw our after school cookery club this term. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Halloween Disco Success!
The fundraising academic year has gotten off on a fantastic start with the Halloween Disco raising £501, the highest it has been so far. Thank you again to everyone who made the event such a success.
School Circle recognises that this year presents different financial constraints for many and so your fundraising efforts are truly appreciated.
Shout Out from School Circle…
With exactly 4 weeks to go till our Frost Fair (Fri 2nd Dec, 6pm – 8pm), we are asking for help to man stalls, help set up and take down and also donate items to make this event another success as it has been year on year.
If you are able to donate an hour of your time on the day, or an item to go in either the raffle, barrel of booze, or Christmas decorations please can you either let Tina or the school office know.
We also need Christmas lights to borrow to put up onsite, can you spare a set for the event? If so, please can it be dropped off in the school office clearly labelled with your name by Monday 21st November for PAT testing and it will be returned to you after the event. Thank you.
Longnor Frost Fayre
6 – 8pm, Friday 2nd December 2002 in school – we look forward to seeing you there!

100 Club – October Winners
Thanks to everyone who supports our 100 Club Draw. Details of October’s winners are below:
1st Prize – £25 – 96 – Lesley Hall
2nd Prize – £10 – 55 – Liz and John Starkie
3rd Prize – £5 – 68 – Judith and Peter Dimlow
Numbers were drawn independently by Hollie Batha.
Thanks for your support!
Minutes of School Circle Meeting – Weds 2nd Nov 2022
Please find below a link to the minutes from this week’s School Circle meeting.
Please remember that everyone is automatically a member of School Circle – we’d love to see you at the next meeting!
Longnor School Circle Meeting Minutes 02 11 2022