Published on: 14th November, 2022

Monday 14th November


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Monday 14th November

This week in school it is anti-bullying week.

We have had an assembly in school today discussing the meaning of bullying and the ways that bullying can affect individuals. Everyone was very mature and contributed to the discussions. All year groups were encouraged to think about five trusted adults that they could turn to should they need to share any worries.

The main message, this year, is to ‘Reach Out’. As a school, Longnor thought about what this means and why this is an important message. One of the ways that children could express themselves this week is by wearing odd socks: being unique and being proud to be an individual.

Please continue these discussions at home and should anything need following up in school, then please let us know.

Bullying is not ok.

All the best.

Mrs L. Edgerton

Challenge update

Distances do not yet include walks at the weekend. These will be included on Friday for the last day, so keep clocking up the miles!

Here is Mrs Jones’ Just Giving page should you be able to donate 


Young Voices 2023 Hub

Here is the link for the Young Voices 2023 songs. Each student in Merlin and Eagle class have their own login details for the hub: 

If children have misplaced their access code, please encourage them to ask their teacher.

Height and weight screening

On Wednesday 30th November the annual National Child Measurement Program will be taking place where children in Reception and Year 6 only will have their height and weight screened. A letter has been sent home regarding this with a form to fill out should you wish to opt out of this measurement for your child. If you do wish to opt out, please ensure this form is returned to school by Friday 25th November at the latest.

School photos

Please be aware that Kittle Photographic will be in school on Thursday 24th November to take individual pupil photos.

Remembrance Poppies at St. Mary’s Church

St. Mary’s Church has been decorated with over 1,000 hand-crafted poppies for Remembrance Day. Local residents have worked together to create the fabulous display. I understand that there were also donations from across Wales and Scotland this year! If you are able to, please feel free to pop in to have a look.

Shropshire SEND re-inspection – have your say!

Shropshire SEND department are having their re-inspection and need members of the community to share their thoughts and opinions. If you have time, please visit the following link to give your point of view. 

Open day

Key dates coming up

Dates for your diary:

  • Kestrel class play – 7th December at 6pm
  • Christmas Carol Service with Little Owls Nativity – 13th December at 2pm

Longnor School Frost Fayre

Friday 2nd December 2002, 6 – 8pm in school – we look forward to seeing you there!

Can you help….

With just under 3 weeks to go until our Frost Fayre (Fri 2nd Dec, 6pm – 8pm), we really need your help and support!  Can you help with any of the following asks?

  • Do you have a Santa suit we could borrow?  We have a willing Santa minus the jolly suit!!
  • Can you donate a bottle for our Barrow of Bottles raffle?
  • Can you donate a teddy for the Teddy Tombola?
  • Can you donate some Christmas lights to help decorate the school?  If so, please drop them into the office by Mon 21st November for PAT testing, clearly labelled with your name and they will be returned after the Fayre.
  • Can you donate a ‘jolly jam jar’ for us to sell at the fayre? More details on these to follow.
  • Can you donate an hour of your time on the day? We need plenty of help to set up, clear down, run stalls, and offer refreshments.

If you can help, please let the school office or a member of School Circle know. Many thanks!

Take and Donate Rail

Every Friday at school pick up starting from 18th November, we will have a Take or Donate rail in the school entrance for outgrown coats and Christmas jumpers.

If you have items to add to the rail please hand them to Tina or another member of School Circle.  Cash donations are welcomed for items on the rail but not necessary.