At Longnor Primary School, we recognise the importance of reading and strive to provide our children with a rich and varied library of high quality texts.
Children on the following book bands will be bringing home two reading books and their group read book: pink, red, yellow, blue, green and orange.
You will notice that one of these books will have a sticker on the front which reads ‘PD’. This stands for phonetically decodable. Your child should be able to apply his/her phonic skills and knowledge to decode the words in this text and should therefore develop confidence in reading.
The second reading book will be focusing on other important aspects of reading and these are usually noted inside the front cover of the book or on the back. This book will require more support from grown-ups as there may be unfamiliar words or spelling patterns in these books.
It is also very important to listen to your child reading their group read book each week as these books are not all phonetically decodable. Many of these books have been chosen to promote a love of reading and to extend your child’s vocabulary. Your child will require support to read these books, especially the first time they read them.
I am happy to discuss this with you further at parents’ evening if you have any comments or questions.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Jones