Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
Since 2020 all primary schools in England have been required to teach Relationship Education and Health Education. This is in addition to the statutory national science curriculum. Our policy is available on the school website.
As you may be aware, as part of personal, social and health education we use the Shropshire Respect Yourself Eat Better, Move More, RSE scheme of work. This is quality assured by the PSHE Association and has won national awards. Our secondary schools also use the scheme. This provides age-appropriate progression and consistency of approach.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from the sex education element of the curriculum, but not the relationship, science or health education curriculum. The DfE have produced a leaflet for parents “understanding relationship and health education in your child’s school: primary” .
If you have any concerns about the programme for your child, we are available to discuss these and the implications of withdrawal with you. We can also highlight resources and books so that you can discuss these important issues with your child.
Please find attached our school letter and policy. RSE letter to parents 2024
Lisa Edgerton
RSE knowledge mapped through the school