The big race by Daisy Collison

My race to win

It was Monday morning, my first race of the season, time to beat everyone including Eliza Westgreen. She was the tallest, the fastest and most of all everyone loved her. Eliza was the under twelve world champion and she was determined to win it again. In the first race there were ten girls; in the second race there were eight girls and the third and final race there were six girls. The top three of each race would go to the next round.

At last, it was here- the first race of the season. All this training all working up for: the quarter-finals! Before the race we were allowed one small pep talk with our coaches. Everyone else had a coach but me, but my mum is enough support so I’m fine. The race will begin in one minute, suddenly everyone rushed to the starting line I was ready to win.

The scores were in. After twenty minutes we finally knew who had won: I came second -I’m through to the semi-finals! Eliza beat me by an inch but at least I qualified! Before every race I all ways went out for a meal at my local Hungarian restaurant. Hungarian food is my family’s favourite, not because we are Hungarian, it’s because we went there when we were little and we all love it!

The day had come, it was the semi-finals. I knew I had to beat Eliza, or else I would get no people on my side, no one cheering me on. One minute on and the race had almost started; everyone was tightening their shoes making sure that they’re ship shape. In the blink of an eye, I heard a bang I started to run like I’d never run before I was at the front and about to win, then suddenly I tripped, no was this the end of my career? Had I lost? No, I picked up my feet and manged to come third. Wow that was a close one.

It had been a week, and my legs were as strong as they’d ever been; I was all prepared for the finals. I was mentally and physically prepared. My best friend Zoe was flying from Australia to come and watch- I couldn’t wait to see her. It had been two years since we last saw each other and we had so many things to talk about over the next few days.

Finally, it was here the finals. On my left I see Lola Farford, a new comer. And on my right there is Eliza, but something is strange with her today. She kept on gliding ever so quickly everywhere; I knew she must be cheating, as I had glimpse wheels on her shoes. I rushed to the organiser of the race and they disqualified her. The race was starting in 5,4,3,2,1 GO my legs had taken over my body: I was running towards the finish line, I crossed it in first place! World championships here I come.



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